Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hurricane Preparedness Tips for Children and Adults with Special Needs

- Talk with friends, family or a support network about how to stay in touch.

- Keep phone numbers for doctors, aides and family in a sealed waterproof bag.

- Pack eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids and dentures in an emergency kit.

- Ask neighbors or someone in your support circle to help keep you informed.

- Plan ahead for accessible transportation in case evacuation becomes necessary.

- Identify the closest shelter in case you need to leave your house.

- Identify which medical facilities are close to your house or shelter.

- Wear medical alert tags or bracelets with information about healthcare needs.

- Plan and practice for an evacuation, and remember to take your medical devices in a waterproof bag.

- Have at least a 10-day supply of prescription medicines along with copies of prescriptions; list of all medications and dosage; list of allergies; list of dietary restrictions.

- Make plans for a pet, including a note for emergency responders: I have a service animal named ____, who must evacuate with me.

- Familiar items will help children adjust to new surroundings and ease the stress of the transition. Remember to pack their favorite toys, movies and computer games.

- Headphones or earplugs can dampen the noise in unfamiliar settings. Consider bringing duct tape to mark the perimeters of your family’s assigned space in a communal shelter.

- Children with autism often wander away. Work with teachers, police and community members as you develop safety plans to help protect children from dangerous situations.

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