Friday, August 31, 2018

Miss Teen America Olivia Occhigrossi Visits Unicorn Village Academy

We had the pleasure of Miss Teen America, Olivia Occhigrossi, along with their Executive Director, Nikki Clark and Director of Brand Management, Jessica Toussaint, visit Unicorn Village Academy today! They're excited to be participating in our upcoming events!!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Collaboration vs. Competition: Unlocking Powerful Partnerships

Join our CEO Sharon Alexander on Tuesday, September 4th to explore the many aspects to finding, creating, and delivering a collaborative effort successfully!

No Registration Needed

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Happy Birthday to Tom and Sarah!

Today is a very special day!!! It is 2 Unicorns birthdays: our CFO, Thomas Lonardo and our Visionary Society member, Sarah Hassan!!
Wishing you both a day as magical and wonderful as you are!! 🦄🦄💜💜🎉🎉🎈🎈

Congratulations to All of the Nominees!

Purchase your tickets today! Sponsorships are still available. Finalists will be announced on Wednesday, September 5, 2018.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thank You Boca West Country Club!

A chance.

That's what young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities want. An opportunity to show their value in the workforce. Now, through Project SEARCH, a partnership between Unicorn Children's Foundation and Boca West Country Club, adults ages 18 - 24 will get that chance.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Unicorn Children's Foundation Announces 2018-2019 Board of Directors

[Boca Raton, FL – August 20, 2018] -- Unicorn Children’s Foundation, a leader in the field of special needs and neurodiversity, has announced this year’s Board of Directors, including 7 incumbents and 13 renewed/newly ratified members.  New to the executive leadership team is Angela Fisher who was elected as Secretary by her peers.  This group of individuals bring a wealth of business acumen and commitment to community that will help the organization expand its impact and ensure that children and young adults with special needs excel in their communities. 

President Gregory Fried, Gregory’s Fine Jewelry
Vice-President Melissa Burkhardt, M.S. Ed, BCBA, Early Start Autism
Secretary Angela Fisher, DLD Management Corporation
Treasurer Adam Ziffer, CPA
Alisa Bachana Jaffe, UBS Financial Services
Marilyn Blanco-Corey
Lori Cabrera, President of Unicorn Village Academy
Rafael Cabrera, M.D., Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton
Patti Chiaia
Michael Church, Rooster Local
Joseph Eppy, The Eppy Group
Juliette Ezagui, Founding President
Sue Heller, Retired Teacher and Community Activist
Madeline Hillsberg, The Hillsberg Foundation
William Kruegel, Sunshine Health
Tabitha LeTourneau Meyerer, CFP, United Capital
Valeria Rosenbloom, Founding Family and Lifetime Grand Benefactor
Jeannette Stark, Miami SunPost
Gail Wasserman, Philanthropist
Michelle Yellin, Philanthropist

Unicorn’s CEO, Sharon Alexander expresses, “Board members play a very crucial role in the growth and direction of our organization.  1 of 6 children are labelled as damaged because 1 of 6 children are diagnosed with autism, ADHD, dyslexia and other neurodiversities.  This dynamic group will help Unicorn Children’s Foundation redefine what’s possible by expanding cradle to career initiatives that help kids and young adults with special needs excel in their communities.” 

President Gregory Fried adds, “The past year was amazing as we implemented the special needs system transformation plan, developed new relationships and cultivated long-term friendships.  I truly believe that the talent assembled for this upcoming year will continue to bring those in our community together and allow us to support great programs that will give these wonderful and amazing children an opportunity to have a voice in this world.”

Make sure to stay tuned for Unicorn Children’s Foundation’s upcoming events… The Best Is Yet To Come! Visit the or call 561.620.9377 for more information and to learn how you can get involved.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Happy 5th Anniversary, Unicorn Village Academy!

Dreams really DO come true!! We are proud to celebrate Unicorn Village Academy’s 5 Year Anniversary!!
This was an amazing accomplishment by the Unicorn Children's Foundation family! From the 3 years of planning to the first day that the school opened its doors, it is so rewarding to see the successes and transformation of each student. 100% of those who complete the program have gone to a post-secondary program or have become employed!
Without the generosity of our donors and volunteers, life after high school would not be the same for these young adults. Thank you to the hard-working teachers and staff who make a difference every day by developing life-skills, academics, vocational skills and community integration.
“I really liked going to the school because it was really outstanding!” – Thomas, 1st UVA Graduate
“I am so happy to be part of the Unicorn Family.” – Gabe, student
Unicorn is redefining what’s possible for kids with special needs!

Friday, August 17, 2018

National Nonprofit Day

In honor of #NationalNonprofitDay, we would like to thank all of our families and donors for giving us the opportunity to change the lives of children with special needs.

Chance Items Needed for the SNAC Community Inclusion Awards

The Special Needs Advisory Coalition (SNAC) of Palm Beach County is excited to announce our inaugural Community Inclusion Awards. A celebration of individuals, nonprofit and for-profit organizations who are committed to serving and supporting the special needs community! Awards for twelve categories will be given on Wednesday, October 10, 2018, at a special ceremony and luncheon beginning at 11:30 am at the Boca West Country Club. We can't wait to celebrate the actions and impact being made in Palm Beach County by local leaders, service providers and advocates.

We are seeking your support of chance items to help us make our event a total success. Every dollar raised goes directly to supporting the initiatives of the Special Needs Advisory Coalition of Palm Beach County.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

First Day of Project SEARCH!

For some, it is back to school. For others, it is the first day of internships at Boca West Country Club Project SEARCH. After 2 years of planning, it was so fulfilling to experience this moment. We could not be more proud of our growing family of Unicorns and the expansion of programs that will lead to meaningful engagement in the community! Thank you to Matthew Linderman and his team for being so welcoming and supportive! You are truly changing lives!

LAST DAY to Submit Your Nominations!

Today is the LAST DAY to submit your nominations for the 2018 Community Inclusion Awards!!

Submissions MUST be in by 5pm.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Nominees for the 2018 Hats Off Nonprofit Awards Are...

Unicorn Children’s Foundation is so excited to announce that we are nominated in every category of the 2018 Hats Off Nonprofit Awards!!!!
Nonprofit of the Year
Unicorn Children’s Foundation
Nonprofit Executive of the Year
Sharon Alexander
Nonprofit Professional of the Year
Amy Mann
Nonprofit MVP of the Year
Ivonne Rodriguez
Nonprofit Volunteer of the Year
Gregory Fried
Wish us luck, and congratulations to ALL of the nominees!!!

REST Around the Nation

Unicorn Children's Foundation was featured in the August issue of REST Around the Nation!

Monday, August 13, 2018