Monday, August 31, 2015

Volunteers Needed

If anyone is available tomorrow at any time between 9am - 5pm, we would love some help folding, stuffing, and stickering!
If you want to help out, please email
or call 561-620-9377 x 302

Thank You Simply the Best Magazine!!

A very special thank you to our Media Sponsor Simply The Best Magazine for featuring our 2nd Annual Raise Awareness, Raise a Glass in the September/October 2015 issue. Make sure to pick up your copy!!

There is an EXTREMELY CLOSE race between Team Bill and Sarah and Team Gregory and Felette!!! Congratulations to Team Bill and Sarah for pulling back into First Place over the weekend!!

1. Bill Kruegel & Sarah Hassan 1492 Votes
2. Gregory Fried & Felette Branch 1435 Votes
3. Max Tucci & Constance Josanu 225 Votes
4. Angela Fisher & Silvana Halperin 101 Votes

Tomorrow is the Last Day for our All-Access Pass

Tomorrow is the last day to take advantage of our All-Access Pass!!

Friday, August 28, 2015


Congratulations to Team Gregory and Felette who just snagged First Place!

1. Gregory Fried & Felette Branch 1165 Votes
2. Bill Kruegel & Sarah Hassan 1090 Votes
3. Max Tucci & Constance Josanu 225 Votes
4. Angela Fisher & Silvana Halperin 101 Votes

Vote Now:

Thank You Jay DiPietro, Gary Collins and the Seminole Region Charity Golf Tournament Committee!

A special thank you to Jay DiPietro, Gary Collins and the Seminole Region Charity Golf Tournament Committee! Their incredible gift allowed us to offer 16 adolescents an opportunity to participate in our first ever Unicorn Children’s Foundation and Unicorn Village Academy Club Managers Seminole Region Charity Golf Tournament Committee Summer 2015 Career Development Program.  During this 8 week intensive program, participants were engaged in community work experiences, personal finance management, social skills, and soft skills training.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Vote for Team Angela and Silvana

You've worked hard all day, and Team Angela and Silvana are ready to pour you a drink. Sit back, relax, and let all your troubles melt away when you visit their Zen Bar at the 2nd Annual Raise Awareness, Raise a Glass!

Vote for them now:

1. Bill Kruegel & Sarah Hassan 1090 Votes
2. Gregory Fried & Felette Branch 865 Votes
3. Max Tucci & Constance Josanu 225 Votes
4. Angela Fisher & Silvana Halperin 101 Votes

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Upcoming Workshops and Sibshops

Happy Birthday, Amy!

Unicorn Children's Foundation's Communications Coordinator, Amy Mann, gets serenaded for her birthday by Unicorn Village Academy's Music Teacher, Mr. John Jeansonne, Fiddle Player for Rascal Flatts and Lee Ann Womack, and Headmaster, Dr. Herm Fishbein.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Time Is Running Out

Time is running out to secure your All-Access Pass!! If you would like to attend all of our incredible events this season, this is an opportunity you don't want to miss...

Friday, August 21, 2015

Say Aloha!

Come say "Aloha" to Team Bill and Sarah at their Paradise Cove Bar during the 2nd Annual Raise Awareness, Raise a Glass. They can't wait to make a splash when they win the coveted trophy for a 2nd year in a row!

Vote now to keep them in First Place:


1. Bill Kruegel & Sarah Hassan 1090 Votes
2. Gregory Fried & Felette Branch 655 Votes
3. Max Tucci & Constance Josanu 225 Votes
4. Angela Fisher & Silvana Halperin 101 Votes

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Els Family Officially Opens "Amazing and Special" Center of Excellence!

Ernie & Liezl Els last night led a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate the opening of the first two buildings of their state-of-the-art Center, focused on improving the lives of individuals with autism.

Jupiter, Fla. (August 18, 2015)  - “This Center is amazing and special just like us,” summed up Zack Poerio, who delivered a passionate and flawless address on behalf of students from The Learning Center at The Els Center of Excellence, at last night’s Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Zack, who along with over 100 other students attended his first day of school at the brand new Center yesterday, added: “ Thank you Ms. Liezl and Ernie for fighting for us – you are my heroes! Lets make this the best school in the world!”

The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony which was attended by donors, local supporters, dignitaries and media celebrated the official opening of the first two components of The Els Center of Excellence - The Lower School and The Els Center of Excellence Auditorium Building. Among the special guests included PGA TOUR players Louis Oosthuizen, Charl Schwartzel and Robert Allenby who came down to support their friend and fellow player. Honored guests included Palm Beach County Commissioner Hal Valeche, as well as Mayor Karen Golonka and representatives of the Town of Jupiter. Representatives from the offices of Congressman Patrick Murphy and Representative MaryLynn Magar, also attended the event and a special U.S. flag presentation to The Els Center of Excellence was made by Congressman Murphy’s office as part of the ceremony.

Guests were welcomed to the ceremony by Kerry Kruckel, Executive Director for the Foundation and Master of Ceremonies for the occasion. First to be introduced was Giuseppe Ciucci, Chairman of the Els for Autism Board who thanked the attending dignitaries and guests and described the project as “mission impossible that became mission possible!”

Next to speak was Palm Beach County Commissioner, Hal Valeche, a staunch supporter of the project since its inception. Commissioner Valeche stressed the positive impact that the Center will have on the local community:
“I am so proud to have a facility like this in my community. This is a transformative event both for the autism community and for the neighborhood - the local community of Limestone Creek.” He added: “Thanks to the Els family for having the vision.”

Last to speak were Ernie and Liezl Els, the Founders of the Els for Autism Foundation, and parents of Ben, 12, who has autism and attends the new school.

Ernie opened with the acknowledgement that getting the Center built “took a lot of effort from a lot of people “but that “a lot of families are going to benefit from this Center.” He went on to thank all the individuals and organizations that had made building the Center possible but stressed that the facility was not complete and that they still have “a long way to go” - with the next goal to build the Upper School and all of the sports and recreational facilities.

Liezl Els, credited by her husband as “the power behind this whole thing,” went on to speak movingly about seeing their dream of a world-class Center for Excellence come to fruition. Liezl explained their goal was “to make our Center and programs accessible to people around the world.”

"This Center is going to give our children the space to explore and express themselves. Over time they have had to make do with whatever they could get," Liezl explained "We wanted to build a facility where these kids could realize their potential...and so that we could show the world just what our kids are made of, how strong they are, how talented they are and how far they can really go in life and what a massive contribution they can make to society."

She added: “We have so many plans. Program-wise, our aim is to service the whole family across the full life span and construction wise we plan to build on all 26 acres of this campus, with the next components to go up being the golf practice facility and the Upper School building.”

Liezl thanked her husband for providing the golfing platform by which the Foundation was able to raise so much of its funds. She said: "A huge thank you for not only what you have given our child but the kids out there in the community and across the world."  Liezl also made special mention of Ben's 16 year old sister Samantha, who Liezl told guests, "helps her brother Ben find his way every-day," and exemplified the integral part that siblings play in the lives of children with autism.

After the ribbon was cut by Ernie and Liezl, guests had the opportunity to tour the facility, enjoy musical performances in the auditorium by Reese Carpenter and Carlos Bosso, and talk to Els for Autism staff and teachers from the Lower School about the new Center and the programs and services it will provide.
The Learning Center, which opened yesterday is a public charter school with capacity for up to 150 children from ages 3-14, and, in-line with the entire campus, has been designed to create a learning environment specifically suited to children on the spectrum.

The ceremony also marked the opening of the state-of-the-art Auditorium Building, specifically designed to help facilitate the dissemination and gathering of applied research findings and best practices with the global autism community. The building, which includes a hi-tech, 300-seat auditorium equipped with space for programming staff, visiting scholars, professionals and researchers, will be the base from which the Foundation will develop and roll-out innovative, evidence-based programs focused on individuals with autism, their families and the professionals that work with them across the U.S. and internationally.

These two buildings are the first components that are being delivered of a 26-acre campus that, once complete, will include an Upper School (with capacity for an additional 150 students ages 14-22), extensive sports and outdoor recreational facilities (including a gymnasium, swimming pool, golf practice facility, athletics field, play courts and sensory garden and pavilion), a cafeteria, a medical and professional services building and an adult services component. Even before the dedicated buildings are in place the Center will bring together the critical elements of early intervention, education, sports and leisure, applied research, transition to adulthood, medical and professional services, and adult services all on one campus.

The Foundation’s fundraising campaign is now focused on raising the capital to complete the Upper School, the sports facilities, the medical and professional services building and the adult services component. Donations can be made online at www.elsforautism.comand by check (made payable to ‘Els for Autism’) and addressed to: Els for Autism, The Els Center of Excellence, 18370 Limestone Creek Rd, Jupiter, FL 33458.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

VIP All-Access

We are delighted to offer you a time-limited opportunity to purchase a season pass to attend the 4 unique fundraising events we have scheduled for the upcoming 2015-2016 season. Your VIP pass must be paid in full by September 1, 2015 to qualify.
Your continued generosity enables us to provide leadership, education, and funding of innovative programs that ensure individuals with neurodiversity are appropriately assisted, supported, and included in least restrictive ways to maximize their full potential.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Unicorn Village Academy Career Academy Program

The mission of Unicorn Village Academy is to get our students working out in the community and finding permanent employment.

A very special thank you to Gabby Cabrera for putting together this incredible documentary!!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Team Greg and Felette are Catching Up!

Team Gregory and Felette are catching up quickly to 1st Place! Will they beat out Team Bill and Sarah? Only YOU decide!

1. Bill Kruegel & Sarah Hassan 1090 Votes
2. Gregory Fried & Felette Branch 440 Votes
3. Max Tucci & Constance Josanu 225 Votes
4. Angela Fisher & Silvana Halperin 101 Votes

Special Needs Advisory Coalition

If you live in Palm Beach County and would like to hear more about services, supports, and opportunities for individuals with special needs and/or disabilities, you do not want to miss these conversations.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Join Team Gregory and Felette for La Dolce Vita

Team Gregory and Felette cannot wait for you to indulge in “La Dolce Vita” at our 2nd Annual Raise Awareness, Raise a Glass! Get ready for a glamorous evening where fashion and jewels come together to create “amore”!!!! Your vote will support the Unicorn Children’s Foundation’s efforts to transform communities to engage, inspire, empower, and include individuals with neurodiversity in everyday routines, activities, and places.

1. Bill Kruegel & Sarah Hassan 1090 Votes
2. Gregory Fried & Felette Branch 320 Votes
3. Max Tucci & Constance Josanu 225 Votes
4. Angela Fisher & Silvana Halperin 101 Votes

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Team Bill and Sarah Still in First Place!!

Will Team Bill and Sarah take home the trophy once again this year? They are still holding strong in First Place!!

1. Bill Kruegel & Sarah Hassan 1090 Votes
2. Max Tucci & Constance Josanu 225 Votes
3. Gregory Fried & Felette Branch 185 Votes
4. Angela Fisher & Silvana Halperin 101 Votes

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Exceptionally Good Friends

The students at Unicorn Career Academy assisting two-time award winning author, Melissa Burkhardt.  Her book "Exceptionally Good Friends" was awarded the Mom's Choice Award and the Autism Society’s Temple Grandin Literary Work of the Year.  This outstanding item will be included in 1,000 toolkits heading to classrooms in South Florida and Montreal as part of Unicorn Children's Foundation "Creating Compassionate Children Campaign".  The kits will provide a character development curriculum that encourages students to be empathetic and compassionate towards all of their peers, even those with neurological differences.

Register Today for Building Social Capital

Register today to secure your spot!!