Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 30: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Just like anyone else, individuals with neurodiversity need love and encouragement, a bit of advice, space to be themselves and then everyone can sit back and enjoy the unique person they become.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 25: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Give people with neurodiversity a chance to shine. They can change the world.

High Tea on CTV News April 21

High Tea held at the Ritz-Carlton, Montréal on behalf of the Miriam Foundation and Unicorn Children's Foundation.

DAVIDsTEA and Face chamber orchestra

Honorary Chairs:
Diane Guerrera and Valeria Rosenbloom

Stephanie Hoolahan and Rhoda Vineberg

Committee Members:
Trudy Ain, Eve Beauchamp, Marsha Becker, Naomi Bissell, Stephanie Blondin, Rona Davis, Denis D'Etcheverry, Nathalie Garcin, Luce Gayrard, Eliane Gerstein, Ethel Gold, Aurélien Guillory, Judy Kaback, Rhona Kramer, Nan Lassner, Elaine Mintz,
Olga Shevchenko and Susan Stivaletti



Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 21: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Don’t try to change those with neurodiversity to match the world, change the world by changing the way the world views those with neurodiversity!  We must work together to provide opportunities and give hope.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Rest In Peace Regina Burlew

It is with shock and great sadness that we share with you the sudden passing of one of our volunteers and gala committee member. Regina Burlew (Photographed on Far Left) joined our organization this past year and brought great ideas and energy. Our condolences go out to all of her family and friends. Thank you for everything, Regina! ♥

Day 20: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

People with neurodiversity have talents where they can specialize. Listen to entrepreneur Thorkil Sonne describe how he created employment opportunities by focusing on an individual’s talents.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 17: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Meet one of our favorite artists and authors, Miss Haley Moss. This video is from a few years ago and Haley is currently enrolled in a four-year college! Listen to what is possible when you focus and cultivate an individual’s strengths…

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 14: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

“We have been spending too much time focusing on deficits, dysfunctions and disorders. What we need to do is focus on strengths.” Listen as Dr. Thomas Armstrong shares the gifts associated with neurodiversity.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 12: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

"Trying to reduce everybody to one of thirty or forty numbers; He's of IQ 105, She's of IQ 120, for example, is about as scientific as horoscopes, that try to assign everybody to the twelve signs of the zodiac"

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 11: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Dani Bowman is a teenage entrepreneur who shares that she has many talents due to her neurodiversity. “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ari Ne'eman to Present at FREE Webinar Today!

Ari Ne’eman, President and Cofounder of Autistic Self Advocacy Network ASAN and a long time friend of ours, will be a presenter of a FREE webinar hosted by ICDL, a beneficiary of Unicorn Children's Foundation. This DIRFloortime™ Webinar will be held TODAY at 4pm EDT. The topic will be Understanding Disability Policy: What the Autism Community Doesn't Think About. No prior registration needed. Join the Virtual Auditorium by visiting http://www.icdl.com/

Day 10: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Stephen Wiltshire is an artistic individual who has an extraordinary ability to create detailed drawings of city’s from memory. The gift of his autism allows his memory, spatial ability, and remarkable attention to detail to come together at a very high level. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 8: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Former record shop owner credits his neurodiversity for allowing him to challenge the status quo, shake things up, and change industries to become the head of an empire. Listen as he describes his educational experience. Can you relate to this experience or know someone that has experienced a similar situation? We invite you to share your story.

Help Us Raise $1000!

Playing games could win us $1,000! Now, by simply playing online games at Goodgames you'll raise donations. Plus, this week only, your gameplay will enter us in a draw to win $1,000. Make a difference for us and have some fun yourself! Learn more: www.goodsearch.com

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 7: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Jonathon Mooney talks about being “one of those kids” and urges that society reimagine education for all students.  “Often, that kid in the hallway is the next CEO in the boardroom!”


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 6: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Meet Rosie and friends as they share an inside view of living with neurodiverity. A lack of understanding by others in society is one of the worst things about living with neurodiversity.  

Thank You!

Thank you Mary Ann Morgan-Fried, Fit Foodz To Go, Gregory's Fine Jewelry, Lori Cohen Cabrera, and Rafael Cabrera, and all that attended Breathe for Autism in support of Unicorn Village Academy. It was a refreshing morning that will positively impact those with Neurodiversity!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Breathe for Autism TOMORROW!

Join us TOMORROW at Breathe for Autism for yoga and a "Simply Spectacular" Chance to Win 1 of 6 bracelets from Gregory's Fine Jewelry! RSVP today for directions at 561-620-9377 or amy@unicornchildrensfoundation.org.

Day 5: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Ari Ne'eman, a long term friend of Unicorn Children's Foundation, was appointed to the White House Council on Disability. Take a few moments to watch his presentation to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on the Federal Response to Autism. Our partners at the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders (ICDL) will be hosting a webinar with Ari on Wednesday, April 14 at 4pm (EST) on understanding disability policy. Visit www.icdl.com to register.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 4: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Raise your expectations of those around you, never underestimate those who are different by assuming disability or intellectual damage. Check out Carly’s story, aspiring author and internet blogger who is sharing how her own inner voice found a way to come out. You can learn more about Carly Fleischmann by visiting her facebook page or her Six Degrees Project at www.sixdegreesproject.com.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Attention Yoga Lovers!

Attention Yoga Lovers! Want to do some yoga for a great cause? Join us THIS Saturday at the home of Dr. Rafael and Lori Cabrera for Breathe for Autism! Please RSVP to Unicorn Children's Foundation for more information. 561-620-9377 or amy@unicornchildrensfoundation.org

Day 3: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

"We need to help students who have unique minds to be successful." Aren't we all good at certain things and bad at others? Why are we turning these neurodiverse differences into disabilities? Listen to Temple Grandin, Ph.D. discuss this concept (fyi, she was diagnosed with autism). Leave us a comment if you agree that those with neurodiversity are different not damaged, and capable of contributing to society.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 2: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

Never assume a lack of intelligence when someone does not communicate the way we do. How many people are we underestimating who could be capable of offering great insight if given the tools to express themselves?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 1: 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance

As many around the world are participating in World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Awareness Month, Unicorn Children’s Foundation encourages you take it one step further by accepting and respecting differences and celebrate each person’s unique contribution to society. Please continue to follow us as we launch 30 Days of Neurodiversity Acceptance. Watch as internationally acclaimed fashion designer Lloyd Klein shares his personal experience with neurodiversity.