Special Needs Ping Pong Day hosted by Unicorn Children's Foundation and Rapoport’s Restaurant Group. This event is for ALL AGES and best of all... FREE! Members of the Palm Beach Table Tennis Club have volunteered their time and talent to coach students in recreational ping pong.
Check out the photos here!
Inspiring and empowering individuals with neurodiversity to lead productive and fulfilled lives.

Friday, August 31, 2012
Thank you to our AMAZING volunteers!
We would not be where we are today without every single one of you. The Sun Sentinel highlighted Max Tucci, Lauren Lindner and Matthew Alexander on August 29,2012 for their extraordinary work!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Unicorn Derby 2012
The Derby at Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 was a BLAST! Didn't get a chance to go? No problem! Check out all of the fun and excitement that these Unicorns and their owners had. Thank you so much to everyone who came out and helped us get one step closer to creating a high school for special needs students. We couldn't do it without all of you!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 Was a Success
Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 was a success!!! Thank you so much to everyone who came out and helped us get one step closer to creating a high school for special needs students. We want to give a special thank you to our partner Palm Beach Table Tennis, and our generous sponsors Rapoport's Restaurant Group, Stoli, Sunshine State Health Plan, and DiMartino Plumbing for helping make last night possible! Keep an eye out for tons of photos and video of all the action!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Save a Unicorn TONIGHT!
Help save a Unicorn TONIGHT at Bogart's Bar & Grille at Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 from 6-9pm. Check out the video for more information. Register now by visiting http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest
Boca Raton,
high school,
Palm Beach Table Tennis,
Ping Pong,
special needs,
Table Tennis,
unicorn children's foundation
Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 TONIGHT!
Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 is finally here!! Come join us TONIGHT to raise money to build a special needs high school in Boca Raton. http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest
Monday, August 27, 2012
Save a Unicorn. Train a Unicorn.
Every day, millions of unicorns are left homeless and alone. However, there is hope. For just $100, you can save a unicorn and help train it for tomorrow's big race at Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012. How does it all work? Watch the video and find out! Visit http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest to save a unicorn!
hannah montana,
high school,
miley cyrus,
Ping Pong,
sarah mclachlan,
special needs,
Table Tennis,
unicorn children's foundation
Feeling Over The Weather?
Now that we have all weathered Tropical Storm Isaac and likely have cabin fever, come out and support a great cause! The news says it will be sunny again tomorrow, so it'll be a great day for Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012. Register now at http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Time is Running Out!
Time is running out to register for Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 this Tuesday 8/28 at Bogart's Bar & Grille!!! Help us raise funds to create a high school for special needs students. Change a student's future just by playing ping pong.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Special Needs Ping Pong Day
See you all TODAY from 10am - 12pm at Bogart's Bar & Grille for our Special Needs Ping Pong Day hosted by Unicorn Children's Foundation and Rapoport’s Restaurant Group. This event is for ALL AGES and best of all... FREE! Members of the Palm Beach Table Tennis Club have volunteered their time and talent to coach students in recreational ping pong.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Help Us Build a High School!
Help us build a high school for students with special needs! All you need to do is play ping pong or race a Unicorn! You're not going to want to miss all of the excitement we have planned for Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 at Bogart's Bar & Grille. Register today at http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest
Special Needs Ping Pong Day TOMORROW!
Please join us TOMORROW, 8/25 from 10am - 12pm at Bogart's Bar & Grille for our Special Needs Ping Pong Day hosted by Unicorn Children's Foundation and Rapoport’s Restaurant Group. This event is for ALL AGES and best of all... FREE! Members of the Palm Beach Table Tennis Club have volunteered their time and talent to coach students in recreational ping pong. Reservations are required. Confirm your spot by calling 561.620.9377 or email sofia@unicornchildrensfoundation.org. All participants will receive a special gift.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Best Friends
Matilda Goldberg, Atticus and Cloppy are the best of friends. Will this friendship be broken after they compete against each other at Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012? Stay tuned to find out! http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest
Meet Atticus
Meet our third contestant of our Unicorn Derby, Atticus. He knew Pongfest & Unicorn Derby was cool before anyone else. Learn more about Atticus and join us at Bogart's Bar & Grille on August 28th to root for him to win!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
You've Seen the Pros...
You've seen the pros do it in the Olympics. Now it's YOUR turn to play! Come out on Tuesday, August 28th, to play a friendly game of table tennis for a good cause! We all win at Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012! Register today http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest
Free Special Needs Ping Pong Day
Please join us THIS Saturday, 8/25 from 10am - 12pm at Bogart's Bar & Grille for our Special Needs Ping Pong Day hosted by Unicorn Children's Foundation and Rapoport’s Restaurant Group. This event is for ALL AGES and best of all... FREE! Members of the Palm Beach Table Tennis Club have volunteered their time and talent to coach students in recreational ping pong. Reservations are required. Confirm your spot by calling 561.620.9377 or email sofia@unicornchildrensfoundation.org. All participants will receive a special gift.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Adopt a Unicorn
Every day, millions of unicorns are in need of loving families and homes. For only $100, you can help save a unicorn. Your unicorn will have a name, wear cool threads, and get promoted on Unicorn Children's Foundation's social media sites. Your $100 will help us raise funds to create Unicorn Village Academy, a high school for 14-22 year old students with developmental and learning challenges that will provide a safe and dignified learning environment to explore and realize their true abilities and potential. Save your unicorn by visiting http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest
We are just ONE WEEK away...
We are just ONE WEEK away from Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012! Spaces are limited, so register now at http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest .
Monday, August 20, 2012
Give a Unicorn a Home
Did you know that Unicorns are the fastest, friendliest, cleanest pets around? They live extraordinary lives, and would love to be a part of your family! Visit http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest/ to give this unicorn a home. Cloppy and Matilda Goldberg are already enjoying their new families.
Special Needs Ping Pong Day Celebrates the Completion of the First Week of School!
Special Needs Ping Pong Day Celebrates the Completion of the First Week of School!
Boca Raton FL – August 17, 2012 – Unicorn Children’s Foundation and Rapoport’s Restaurant Group will host a family fun day for students with special needs at Bogart’s Bar & Grille in Boca Raton on Saturday, August 25, 2012 from 10am-12pm. Members of the Palm Beach Table Tennis Club have volunteered their time and talent to coach students in recreational ping pong.
This event is free of charge and open to the public, but reservations are required. Confirm your spot by calling 561.620.9377 or email sofia@unicornchildrensfoundation.org. All participants will receive a special gift.
The event is a kick-off for Unicorn Children’s Foundation’s Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 which will be held at Bogart’s Bar & Grille on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 from 6-9pm. Individual Pong Entry is $40 per person; Doubles Tournament Entry is $75 per team; become the proud owner of your own Unicorn at $100; spectators may join at $25 per person. All participants will receive 2 complimentary cocktails and sumptuous hors d’oeuvres. Tickets may be purchased online at www.UnicornChildrensFoundation.org/pongfest .
Proceeds from Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 will support the building of Unicorn Village Academy, an innovative high school in Boca Raton for special needs students. This high school will allow students ages 14-21 to discover and explore their own interests, pursue their own goals, and prepare them for transition to work, college, and full participation in the communities in which they live.
Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 is part of Boca Festival Days (a series of fun-filled events held at different locations during the month of August) and is facilitated by the Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce.
For more information on Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012, Unicorn Children’s Foundation, or Unicorn Village Academy, please call (561) 620-9377 or visit www.UnicornChildrensFoundation.org.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Back to School Tips for Families of Children with Special Needs
A new school year means a new grade, new teachers, new goals, and maybe even a new school! This list was created to help you and your child with special needs be as successful as you can be, and to help make the transition into a new school year a little easier.
Make Introductions
Send a short welcoming note to the teacher and staff. List some of your child’s issues and “quirks” including likes and dislikes and invite the teacher to contact you for additional information.
Get Everyone Organized
Let your child know what do expect the first few days. Use visuals if necessary. Find some quiet time to discuss any fears or anxieties that your child may have. Keep a family calendar of school events, special education meetings, conferences, etc Set up a box to keep all school letters, mailings, and schedules. Build in time for homework, studying, and recreation. Make sure your child has a clear distraction free area to work at. Set bedtime routines and post where they are visible.
Start a communication log
Keeping track of all phone calls, e-mails, notes home, meetings, and conferences is important. Create a “communication log” for yourself in a notebook that is easily accessible. Be sure to note the dates, times, and nature of the communications you have.
Review your child’s current IEP
The IEP is the cornerstone of your child’s educational program, so it’s important that you have a clear understanding of it. Note when the IEP expires and if your child is up for reevaluation this year. Most importantly, be sure that this IEP still “fits” your child's needs! If you’re unsure, contact the school about holding an IEP review meeting. Make sure that all goals and objectives have measurable outcomes.
Keep everyone informed
It's important that you and the school communicate early and often! If there is anything (concerns, changes, questions about the IEP) that you feel is important to share with the staff working with your child before school starts, or during the year, don't hesitate to contact them! The more proactive and honest you are, the better the school staff will be able to meet your child's needs.
Establish before and after school routines
Discuss and plan the changes in you and your child’s daily routine that will happen once school starts. You can even begin practicing your new schedule, focusing on morning and evening routines, and begin implementing them well in advance of the first day of school.
Stay current on special education news
Being knowledgeable about your child’s IEP and their disability can help you become a better advocate for your child. Try to keep up-to-date on new special education legislation, news, and events. The more you know, the more prepared you will be to navigate the world of special education and successfully advocate for your child! Join your local disability chapter. Know what’s happening at school board meetings.
Attend school events
Take advantage of Open House, Back-to-School Night, and parent-teacher conferences to help you and your child get a feel for the school and meet the teachers, other staff, students, and families. Share the positives about working with your child, and let the teacher know about changes, events, or IEP concerns that should be considered for children in special education.
Make New Friends
Find some other like-minded parents to share activities and conversations with. Help your child get into playgroups or social groups with appropriately aged children.
Balance Your Activities and Trust Your Instincts
Managing a household involving a child with special needs can be daunting. Do your best; do what you can manage without stressing yourself. Balance your (and your child’s ) wants with identified needs, and try to find time each day to relax, enjoy your child, and remember that you need to pace yourself.
Ask for Help When You Need It
We all need to ask others for help now and then. Learn the names and contact numbers of organizations that can offer support, instruction, and council if needed.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Sun Sentinel: Society Palm Beach August 15, 2012
Check us out in Sun Sentinel: Society Palm Beach - August 15, 2012. Register for Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 today!
Meet Matilda Goldberg
With less than 2 weeks away, our Unicorns are preparing more than ever for Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012! Meet our second contestant of the Unicorn Derby, Matilda Goldberg. Her owners at Gregory's Fine Jewelry cannot wait to see her be the first one to cross the finish line on August 28th at Bogart's Bar & Grille! Register today to root for Matilda!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Exclusive for the First 30 Registrants...
Unicorn Children’s Foundation is proud to announce a special offer for the FIRST 30 registrants of the table tennis tournament! US National Coach and Former US World Team Trainer, Scott Preiss, has graciously donated 30 Table Tennis The Sport with Scott Preiss DVDs. Space is limited, so secure your spot today by visiting http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Save the Date!
Join Chairs Donald J. Trump, Melania Trump, Max Tucci, and Cindi Krost for an evening of enlightenment and nirvana where peace and tranquility prevail with cocktails, fragrant foods, mystical music, colorful dancers, and auctions.
Asperger's Syndrome,
Buddha Ball,
cindi krost,
donald trump,
max tucci,
Melania Trump,
palm beach,
unicorn children's foundation
Don't Forget to Vote!
Don't forget to get out there and vote today! Unicorn Children's Foundation believes that everyone's voice deserves to be heard. That's why we're a Proud Official Small Business Partner of the 2012 Presidential Debate.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012... Join the FUN!
Join us and our partner Palm Beach Table Tennis on August 28th at Bogart's Bar & Grille for a friendly game of Ping Pong, a Unicorn Derby and most of all... FUN! Buy your tickets and Unicorns today at http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest/
Friday, August 10, 2012
These Unicorns Mean Business!
Here, you can see the shadows of our unicorns practicing their racing around our office in preparation for Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012! Who will reign victorious? Find out by registering today at http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest/
Thursday, August 9, 2012
The Best Activities for Kids with ADHD
Summer vacation may be coming to end, but the fun doesn't have to! Click here for The Best Activities for Kids with ADHD.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Meet Cloppy
Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 is fast-approaching, and our Unicorns are training hard! Meet our first contestant, Cloppy. Will she win? Buy your tickets today to root for Cloppy to cross the finish line on August 28th at Bogart's Bar & Grille.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Don't call it Ping-Pong...
Have you been watching the Table Tennis Tournament in the Olympics? Are
you inspired to pick up a paddle? Here's your chance! Register today for
Pongfest & Unicorn Derby 2012 at Bogart's Bar & Grille by visiting http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/pongfest/
Read about Table Tennis in the Olympics here.
Read about Table Tennis in the Olympics here.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Gotta love technology!!
Click here to read about a game that helps autistic children learn to interact socially.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
High-tea event held in lovely garden settings
Click here to read about the International High Tea held on May 6, 2012. Thank you to Miriam Foundation for working with us to organize such an amazing event!
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